Drugs Policy

Reviewed & revised 2024

Search is a condition of entry

Customers may be asked to allow SIA stewards to search them and/or their bags at the entrance and within the venue.  Customers refusing to be searched on entrance will be refused entry and any customer refusing to be searched within the venue will be removed without refund. All searches will be conducted by SIA Security.

Customers, festival staff or contractors found to be in possession of drugs will be refused entry or removed from the venue.

Signs will be displayed at the entrance stating the WBCPFs stance on drugs. SIA Security staff are trained in observing signs of drugs and drug taking and will be patrolling the site during festival open hours. 

People who may have taken drugs

First aiders and paramedics will be in attendance during the festival. Any person who is suspected to have taken drugs will be interviewed by SIA staff in the first instance. If a person is considered to be a danger to themselves they will be asked to see a paramedic who will assess their condition and suggest treatment. 

If the person is considered to be safe to leave the festival they will be allowed to go. 

We cannot detain a person who is unwell through drug use should they choose to leave but the police may be called and advised of our actions and concerns.

We will work with local agencies, e.g. police, social services, NHS etc. to provide extra care for customers who may have taken substances and we do our best to educate customers in the dangers of taking drugs.


The Security Manager and Festival Organiser will be informed of all drugs related incidents and will make the decision whether to contact the Police.