Entry Conditions

Reviewed & revised 2024


To gain entry ALL customers must either be in possession of a valid entry ticket, or pay the appropriate entry fee as displayed.

Pass outs 

Pass out wrist bands are available, which must be worn on exit and surrendered on re-entry. Pass outs are only valid for the day they are issued.


Final admission is 30 minutes before the posted closing time.

Entry Conditions

To purchase or consume alcohol at the Worcester Beer Festival you MUST be at least 18 years old. If you appear to be under the age of 25 you WILL be challenged for I.D.  Acceptable forms of identification are:  Photo Driving Licence, Passport, Proof of Age Card carrying the “PASS” hologram, Military ID card etc. Children are admitted to the festival if accompanied by an adult. If you are under the influence of excessive alcohol or drugs you will be refused admission. All rights of admission are reserved at all times. There is no dress code

Drugs, Drinks and Searching

You may be asked for consent to be searched upon entry or at any point inside the venue. Failing to consent to a search at entry will result in refusal of admission. Refusal within the venue will result in your being removed from the venue without refund.

If during any search you are found to be in possession of illegal drugs (WBCPF Drugs Policy), weapons or alcohol not provided by the festival you will be refused entry to the venue or removed and may be reported to the police (drugs and weapons).

Your Own Drinks

WBCPF do not permit you to bring your own drinks onto the site with the exception of bottled water. Beer, Cider, Wine, Soft Drinks and Water are all available on site. You will be asked to leave your own drinks outside the Festival.

Drunkenness and Inappropriate Behaviour

Behaviour that could lead to a breach of the peace or that is deemed to be inappropriate could result in individuals being removed from the venue by Security Staff.


The venue and external areas may be covered by CCTV (fixed and body worn cameras). Images captured will be retained for the purposes of safety, crime prevention and investigation.  


Barbeques are NOT allowed in the festival site.


The festival Committee do their very best to ensure visitors have an enjoyable time and we provide a wide variety of drinks and food.  We order in excess of 160 kegs of 60 different beers and a similar number of ciders. They are provided by a wide range of brewers both local and from further away. We will normally have more than one keg/box of each drink; the most popular will have three or four kegs/boxes. However, we realise that consumption is dependent on weather, the number of visitors and other variables that are out of our control. We use the CAMRA recommended template when matching the number of tickets on sale to the volume of drinks provided. We also have backup supplies available from the more local brewers.

Despite our best endeavours we cannot guarantee that at any particular time a drink will be available. This is particularly relevant to Saturdays. We reserve some beers for the last day but can still not guarantee availability. 

Complaints (see our complaints policy) that a particular beer or cider is no longer available at our festival will be noted but will not constitute reason to apply compensation.

In all cases the decision of the venue management is final.