General Conditions


Welcome to the Worcester Beer Cider & Perry Festival 2024 (WBCPF) first run in 1999. We are pleased you have come to visit and hope this information will help you to enjoy your time at the Festival. Festival staff will be available at all times while we are open to the public to provide help and advice. The best place for information is the entry desk; staff here will have most of the information you need during your visit but anyone wearing a WBCPF T-Shirt will do their best to help you. Also visit the CAMRA stand situated in the grandstand. 

In an emergency please speak to any member of staff; wearing yellow or red T-shirts or SIA security who will be wearing Hi-Vis jackets.


The WBCPF is committed to environmental sustainability. We take our environmental responsibilities seriously and encourage everyone involved with the festival to do likewise.  We do not use single-use glass or plastic and our cardboard packaging is from recycled material. All cardboard packaging, cider boxes, food packaging, general waste and litter are collected to be sorted, reused or recycled. All other types of packaging (beer kegs) are returned to the suppliers for reuse.

The glass you were given on entry to the festival is yours to keep and a bag has been provided for you to take it home in, this will also help to reduce waste.

Our concessions are encouraged to follow our lead though we recognise there are problems as the industry has not yet fully developed recyclable packaging.

Our visitors are encouraged to dispose of their waste and litter in the bins provided around the site to reduce the impact of the festival on the environment. Please do not drop drinks/liquids on the floor; bins have been provided for dregs to be discarded.

Young People

The WBCPF welcomes well-behaved children who should be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian. Please note we do not have a crèche or other supervised areas for children. Young people (under18) are allowed on site during opening hours if they are accompanied by an adult. Young people will be admitted free of charge (but do not receive a free glass or program). Unaccompanied young persons will be asked to leave the festival.

All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure visitor safety; however, unsupervised children could injure themselves if they are not properly controlled. For the safety of children and all those attending the festival the parent or guardian of a child found to be unsupervised or misbehaving may be asked to leave the festival with the child.

WBCPF operate Challenge 25 to identify people who are over 18 but are fortunate enough to look younger. See WBCPF Entry Conditions Policy. WBCPF will not sell alcohol to any young person or to anyone who is suspected of buying for a young person. Anyone suspected of buying for a young person may be asked to leave the festival.  


The nature of the festival means that many areas may be unsuitable for dogs and they are not permitted on the festival site with the exception of service dogs.

Bag Security Checks

SIA stewards ask for permission to search bags at the entrance; bags that are not searched will not be allowed into the festival.

Your Own Drinks

WBCPF do not permit you to bring your own drinks onto the site with the exception of bottled water. Beer, Cider, Wine, Soft Drinks and Water are all available on site. You will be asked to leave your own drinks outside the Festival. Free tap water is available.

Visitors with Disabilities

WBCPF offer a free ticket to a Carer or a Personal Assistant if you receive Middle or Higher Rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or the Personal Independence Payment (PIP). To receive a free ticket you must be aged 18 or over and would not be able to come to the festival without assistance if your carer was not there to help you. This entry does not include a glass or programme for the carer who will be expected to refrain from drinking alcohol.

Proof of DLA or PIP support must be provided on entry if requested. For clarification of eligibility for free carer tickets please contact the WBCPF. 

If you suffer from any condition that may require you to self-medicate during your time at the Festival or you require specific assistance please inform our staff on arrival so we can offer assistance or private facilities.

Conduct and behaviour.

In the interests of safety of everyone behaviour that could lead to a breach of the peace or that is deemed to be inappropriate could result in individuals being asked to leave the venue by SIA Security.